Free up some cash for the holidays when you defer an entire month’s loan payment, and only pay a $50 deferral fee for the convenience.
To get started, enter your last name and last five digits of your Social Security number or Tax ID (as they appear on your loan) in the form below, and click “Search Loans.”
Please note: some loans and loan types are excluded from this special offer. If you want to apply to skip your payment on a loan that is not shown here, please contact your loan officer.
- This deferral will result in an extension of your loan payment schedule.
- Interest will continue to accumulate on your loan during the month you skip your payment.
- A larger balance will be due at the maturity of the loan.
- A $50 fee will be withdrawn from the account you designate for each payment you request to skip.
- Due to the deferral, Credit Life or Accident & Health Insurance on this loan might expire prior to the loan being paid off.
- You may not defer a payment already made or in progress.
- Your deferral request must be submitted at least five days before your normal payment due date.